What to know about Cryolipolysis


Cryolipolysis – What is it and how does it work Bedfordshire?

Cryolipolysis is a non-invasive fat loss process used primarily in cosmetic surgery for the purpose of eliminating unwanted fat. The process can be non-surgical, as in liposuction, non-invasive using radiofrequency or ultrasonic waves, radio-frequency ablation, freezing, heat or even liposuction with fat removal.

It is a method of reducing fat deposits without any significant invasive surgery, and it can result in a permanent weight loss. Some of the other common uses of this method include a treatment for a hernia, cosmetic removal of excess skin and the removal of excess fat from the abdominal area.


What To Consider Before Treatment?

When the patient goes in for cryolipolysis, a freezing agent is injected into the areas of fat cells that are causing the fat to expand.

The fat is frozen in the place where it was injected and a local anaesthetic is applied.

After the injection has been administered, the body stops producing the hormone that controls the production of new fat cells.

This means that no more fat is taken out of the body in order to melt away the excess fat.

The fat cells do not grow back, because they have already been destroyed by the injection. However, the result is the same – a reduction in body fat.

No Need To Go Under The Knife:

There is no need for the patient to undergo plastic surgery for the purpose of reducing fat cells in his or her body.

The surgery is performed under general anaesthesia and is often performed on an outpatient basis.

The patients are usually in an anaesthesiologist’s office for the first week, after which the patient is discharged home to the care of family and friends.

Most of the time, the patient returns to normal activities the day after the procedure.

Cryolipolysis is a safe procedure, but there is one side effect that is quite common – a temporary decrease of blood circulation around the body, which may cause minor post operative problems like skin irritation and oedema.

A doctor may prescribe medication to reduce the risk of post-operative complications .

The most common symptoms include muscle weakness, skin rash, bruising, swelling and tenderness in the area of operation.

The swelling should subside in approximately a week to ten days, but the soreness will remain on your body for up to a week.

How Long Is The Recovery Process for Cryolipolysis Bedfordshire?

Although the recovery process is not complicated, it is not easy either. For the first couple of days, the patient is advised not to take in anything but fluids and liquids, because the fluid helps to flush out the fluids that have built up in the body.

The patient will also need plenty of rest to recuperate and prevent the skin from becoming irritated.

The wound is usually closed up with stitches in three to four weeks, and you will then need to wear special clothing in order to prevent itching.

Other important things to remember are to eat a healthy diet and to avoid fatty foods at all costs, because they are very hard on the body.

Avoid processed foods, which are loaded with preservatives and chemicals that can trigger a flare up during the healing period. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables will help you feel better and prevent the need for further surgical treatments.

For the first few months after surgery, the body will contain fat cells, but as time passes, the amount of fat in your body will come down.

You will notice that the weight will come off easier, since the body is no longer taking in fat from your food intake and is instead extracting the stored fat itself.

Can you exercise during recovery Bedfordshire?

The initial recovery phase may last a few months before the patient feels comfortable enough to perform their normal activities.

It is important to remember that the patient’s physical state and mental condition will determine how long they will stay in the hospital.

For example, a patient who has been through the surgical procedure several times is likely to be in a lot more pain than a person who has just undergone the procedure once and was able to return home the next day.

During the initial phase of weight loss, patients are advised to avoid strenuous exercise, because they will be prone to getting injured during the process of weight loss if not careful.

Patients who have had a difficult time losing weight previously should not return to the same routine again. The use of mild laxatives and a healthy diet can speed up the process of weight loss.

After the recovery period, the patient will find that the excess body fat is gone and their skin is much healthier.

In addition to the weight loss, their skin will appear smoother and their appearance is healthier. Many people find that they have lost more than half their excess weight.

This is especially true when they resume eating well-balanced meals and other healthy habits.

Cryolipolysis and all our other treatments have been fully approved by the FDA

Contact us today to find out more about what we can do for you !

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